Blurry Dreams
96KHZ 24BIT • 616.3MB • 203 FILES • STEREO • META DATA
BLURRY DREAMS is a collection of 203 unusual, beautiful-sounding, abstract sounds.
Add a dreamy touch to your next project. Make abstract sounding UIs, implement beautiful and dreamy sounds
into your next game, setup magical notification on your stream and more. Explore magical granular sounds,
abstract evolving drones, anime-like swells and pings and hypnotic transitions.
Blurry Dreams was created with game developers, sound designers and streamers in mind.
Collection was created using both hardware and software synths.
All SFX have baked-in Soundminer’s meta data
Download includes additional 44.1kHz 16Bit version for Unreal Engine.
RECORDED WITH: Sound Devices MixPre 6 + Senhheiser MKH8060
EDITED WITH: iZotope RX, Reaktor, Adaptiverb, Modular, FabFilter, Pigment, TC Electronics, Pro Tools.